A group of actions: Selenium

The action waits for the text to appear in the element

Action icon 


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
ContextAction context for working with the browser.Robin.SeleniumBrowser contextYes
ElementElement to be inspected. Required.Robin.WebElement
TextThe text of the elementRobin.String
Use all text contentIf the parameter value is true, then all text content will be checkedRobin.BooleantrueNo
Match typeThe type of text match. Strict - the content of the element is equal to the value of the «Text» parameter. Not strict - the content of the element contains the value of the «Text» parameter. Regular Expression - The content of the element matches the regular expression in the «Text» parameter.Robin.String
TimeoutWait until condition to be done (ms). The value is converted to seconds: it`s devided by 1000 and rounded up.Robin.Numeric
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