To debug the robot's operation check and correct actions, you need to run the robot scheme in ROBIN Studio in debug mode. The debug mode panel is located at the top of the workspace:

Paths to files where you can change logging rules for platform components

  • ROBIN Agent - AppDataLocalProgramsRobin Platform2.0.0AgentRobin.Agent.cfg (encrypted)
  • ROBIN Studio - AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Studio/Studio.exe.config
  • ROBIN Player - AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/RobotPlayer/RobotPlayer.exe.config
  • ROBIN Executor (net) - AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor/Net/NetExecutor.exe.config
  • ROBIN Executor (java) - AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor/Javalogback.xml; ROBIN Executor (phyton) - currently missing

Properties and variants of logging file parameter values to be changed in the files are given in the table:

Name of property

Description of property

Default values



Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the file should be added or overwritten.

If False, the file will be overwritten, if True, the log will be added to the file

True by default



Gets or sets the direction of the scrolling file count, while specifying whether the current file is the lowest or highest numbered file.

When CountDirection >= 0, log.1 is the first backup, log.5 is the fifth backup, etc.

For infinite backups, it is recommended to use CountDirection >= 0 in order to reduce the time to change backups.

By default, new files have smaller numbers (CountDirection < 0), i.e. log.1 is the most recent backup, log.5 is the fifth backup, etc.

The maximum value is applied to each group of files based on the application of the time interval, not the total number of backup files

By default, new files have smaller numbers ( CountDirection < 0),

i.e. log.1 is the most recent backup, log.5 is the fifth backup, etc.



Gets or sets the date template that will be used to create file names when migrating to a date

The implementation of the default value is to use


which internally





DateTime Strategy

Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time



param name="File" - gets, or sets the path to the file, indicates the location and name of the file where the logs will be written, in this case it is "AllLog.log". If the log is written to a separate folder, then "log\AllLog.log"

The default is "AllLog.log"


Locking model

Log file locking model, gets or sets the LockingModel. used to handle file locking. For example, "log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" This means that the log will be opened for each write operation with a minimum file hold time



Gets or sets the maximum size allowed for the output file before transferring to backup files



Gets or sets the maximum log file size allowed to the output file before transferring to backup files, which is counted/not counted depending on rollingStyle

If set to "Composite" is counted, if set to "Once" is not counted

The default setting is "Composite".

Maximum log size

  • in Agent - 25 MB

  • in Player - 15 MB

  • in Studio - 5 MB

  • in .net executor - 25 MB

If these sizes are exceeded, files are truncated.

For Java and Python executors, the task is set



Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are retained before the oldest are deleted. The oldest one is erased. If set to 0, there are no backup files, and the log file is truncated when the value of MaxFileSize

If a negative number is specified, no deletion will be performed. It should be noted that this can result in very poor performance, since a large number of files can be migrated if the CountDirection parameter is not used

The maximum value is applied to each group of files based on the application of the time interval, not the total number of backup files

The following limits are set for engines, studios, players, agents:

number of

  • files - 10

  • file size - 25MB

  • rotation by size and process (by process not yet defined)


PreserveLog FileNameExtension

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filename extension should be retained when incrementing



Gets or sets the scroll style, i.e. by by which parameter the log file should be overwritten log file by size or by date. The RollingFileAppender class, which writes the log to a file, has such a RollingStyle property, which determines when the logger will start a new log file.

The following values are allowed:

Size - a new file is created as soon as the log reaches a certain size (this size is set in the maximumFileSize property).

Date - a new file is created every day, and the date in the format specified in the datePattern property is appended to the file name defined in the ще property

Composite - combines the Date and Size properties, i.e. both the file size and the date are taken into account. Besides, this value is the default for the RollingStyle property.

Once - the log is created once when the program is started

In our case by "Size"

The default value is "Composite"



This property allows you to rotate a file when it reaches a certain size. "Rotate" means that the current file is assigned extension "0" and the next file is opened. When it reaches its maximum size, the first file is assigned a ".1" extension instead of the ".0" extension, the current file is assigned a ".0" extension, and the next one is opened. And so on.

The maximum file size and the maximum index set for the previous files to be saved are set by the maximumFileSize maxBackupiodex property, respectively.

If the index is exceeded - the file is not renamed, but deleted. Thus we always have no more than a certain number of files, each of which is not larger than a certain size.

The property allows you to specify the maximum size of the log file with suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted as expressed in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes respectively. For example, a value of "10 KB" would be interpreted as 10240 bytes.

The default maximum file size is 10 MB



Gets or sets the ЅеcurityContext object. used to write to a file



Gets or sets a value indicating whether the same file should always be logged in.

If date/time based rollup is used, setting StaticLogFileName to True will reduce the number of file renames to few or zero


Log4J supports the following output levels, in ascending order:








Setting the logger to a certain level means that messages output at that level or higher will be logged. Messages output with a level lower than the set level will not be logged. The advantage is that information can be output to the program code at different levels (errors - at the ERROR level, normal execution - at the INFO level, debugging - at the DEBUG level), and then you can flexibly regulate what will be output.

Gets or sets the Level threshold value of this application.

All log events with a lower level than the threshold level are ignored by the application.

In configuration files, this parameter is specified by setting the Threshold value to a string level, such as "DEBUG", "INFO", and so on.

The default threshold for the file is DEBUG. This means that messages with levels ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG are output to the file

When set, the threshold for the file is DEBUG. This means that messages with ERROR, INFO, and DEBUG levels are output to the file.

The default for files is to set the message logging level of the incoming message from DEBUG to INFO.

By default, messages with ERROR, INFO, DEBUG levels are output to the file for executors

For information on log generation and storage, please see the link Log generation and storage.

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