Get number of elements Version 1 (Net)

Action group: Word


The action returns the number of elements of the specified type from a Word-document. 

Specifies the Word-document and the type of items to be counted. It is also possible to disregard footnotes and captions when counting.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

ContextContext of the open Word-document. Open a Word-document using the "Open document" action ("Word" action group). 
Element typeType of elements to be counted. There are 5 options available: Images, Tables, Characters, Words, Pages.
Count inscriptions and footnotesCounts items with or without inscriptions and footnotes in the document.

Output parameters

Result - the number of elements counted in the document.

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextThe Word document instance to which the action will be applied.Robin.WordWord contextYes
Elements typeThe type of elements that will be counted in the Word document.Robin.String
Count inscriptions and footnotesIf the value is «true», then the action counts elements taking into account labels and footnotes. If «false», then labels and footnotes will not be taken into account.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ResultThe number of found elements of the specified type from the Word document.Robin.Numeric

Special conditions of use


Example of use


There is a Word-document. Count the number of words.


Use the "Open document", "Get number of elements", "Save as", "Close document" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.

  2. Set the "Open document" action parameters. In the "Path to file" field specify the path to the Word-document file. In the "Visible" field check the checkbox = true.

  3. Set the "Get number of elements" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance where the number of words will be counted. In the "Element type" field specify "Words".

  4. Set the "Save as" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance to be saved.

  5. Set the "Close document" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance to be closed.

  6. Click "Start" in the top panel to start the robot.


The program robot completed successfully. The action returned the number of words in the document.

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