ROBIN Studio


  • Fixed possible license verification issues

Please note!

The *.lic or *.licx license file should be placed in the agent, studio and player folders.

We remind you that to launch robots from the player or orchestrator, the correct operating system account under which the robot is launched must be specified in the license file.

If you have any questions regarding the operation of licenses, please contact technical support ( or contact the responsible manager.

  • Optimized work with RAM during robot execution. Now unused data (values of variables and results of actions) are cleared.

The new algorithm is currently available optionally for inclusion from the Studio settings menu (menu section "General" - item "Cleaning up resources"). It is recommended to enable it in cases when the robot slows down over time or consumes more RAM during robot execution.


  • Optimization of java actions execution was carried out, the problem of errors "out of memory ... java heap space" error
  • Fixed the error "The process cannot access the file ‘C:\\....log’..." when launching a robot. The error could occur if several robots were launched within one second (e.g. using a schedule).
  • Fixed a bug that caused autosave to occur only for one of the projects open in the Studio. Now all open scripts are saved
  • Fixed a bug that caused the same action to show up multiple times in the search when searching for actions by resources used. Now each action will appear only once in the search results
  • Fixed a bug that caused text entry in the "Search" field to not work if the cursor is not hovered over the field
  • The search by action field in the "Actions" panel now correctly uses the "Search by strict match" setting
  • Fixed a bug that caused actions recorded by the recorder to not clear the screenshot of an item when clearing a resource link in the parameters or deleting that resource
  • Fixed a bug where already deleted resources could appear on the "Tracked variables" tab
  • Fixed possible situations of incorrect behavior of the "Not used" filter in the list of resources
  • Fixed a behavior that could cause a custom action to be displayed twice in the studio when published
  • Fixed behavior of hotkeys for saving a custom action project 
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when creating an action that would cause it to fail to be added to the studio's action list
  • In actions with a variable number of parameters (which can be added and deleted by special buttons), an error has been fixed, because of which when copying such actions all changed parameters were filled with a reference to a resource or a variable from one of the values of this parameter
  • Fixed a bug where resources created by the Recorder after deletion could not be returned by undoing the last actions
  • Fixed a bug where the screenshot of an item might not be updated when changing the resource link in the action parameters
  • Fixed a bug with filling parameters of file/folder path type that made it impossible to specify a path if a reference to a result/variable was already specified in the parameter without clearing the parameter
  • Fixed a bug that caused many duplicate messages to be written to log files when setting breakpoints
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Definition field value of a win-element to be cleared when saving if it contained the "\" character
  • Fixed an error that in some cases made it impossible to specify the result of new actions added to the project in the action parameter
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the browser would not launch when launching a web spy
  • Fixed a number of situations where the web recorder was incorrectly recording browser activity
  • Fixed a bug that caused Studio performance to drop with each reopening of the win-element editing window
  • Fixed a bug that caused the studio to terminate abnormally during certain actions with copy actions and undo actions


  • Fixed robot log display completeness in ROBIN Player, which occurred when robots were working at high intensity (many actions per unit of time, several robots running simultaneously) 
  • Fixed an issue with displaying robot status in history in ROBIN Player if the player was restarted during robot execution
  • Fixed a bug where, in some cases, robot videos and logs were not sent to email when notifications were set up

"Base actions" action group

  • Added new action "Generate TOTP code", which allows to generate temporary codes for two-factor authorization in services supporting authentication with TOTP codes
  • Improved .net version of the "Try-catch" action, fixed a bug that could cause the action to ignore some errors occurring in actions 

"Databases" action group

  • Improved the "Connect custom Db" action, fixed the error of using the driver added to the robot resources

"Excel" action group

  • Improved "Hide columns" action, fixed behavior when you could specify a space as a column name

"Email" action group

  • Improved the java version of the "Get message" action, added the ability to mail by date received, as in the .net version

"Outlook" action group

  • The "Select message" action has been improved and the "Process reports" parameter, removed in the previous version, has been returned. The parameter is used to filter service messages

"PDF" action group

  • Added a new "Delete pages" action that allows you to delete multiple page ranges from a document

"ROBIN AI" action group

  • A new subgroup "Document verification" has been added for actions designed to validate the content of text documents. The subgroup includes actions:
    • "Compare documents", which allows you to compare two files of the same format for discrepancies.
    • "Check the document", which allows you to check the contents of a file against a specific set of rules that are passed to the action by a separate file.
  • The "Extract full name". Fixed a bug that caused the action to work correctly only with surnames in the nominative case, now it should work correctly with surnames in other cases.

Please note!

Group activities only work with the appropriate license, which you can request from your partner or account manager

"Browser" action group

  • Improved "Get text" action, fixed a bug that caused the action to not return the element text if it was specified in the "value" attribute
  • Refined the "Get table" action, added "Remove header duplicates" parameter, which allows adding indexes to identical table column names

"Tables" action group

  • Improved "Find text" action, fixed a bug that in some situations the action could fail to find the text contained in one of the table cells

"Orchestrator" action group

  • Fixed a bug that when trying to unblock a resource blocked by another robot, the number of attempts to process that resource is reduced

"Java windows" action group

  • Group actions are optimized. Actions are performed faster

"Google services" action group

  • An internal timeout of 60 seconds has been added for all actions to handle cases of frequent access to the service. Now an attempt will be made to execute the request for a minute before the action will end with an error

"Json" action group

  • The "Convert to dictionary" action has been improved, an error occurring when passing a dictionary with numeric values with a dot as a separator has been fixed

"Robot management" action group

  • Improved the "Start robot" action, fixed a bug that prevented the action from launching a robot file saved in robot resources
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