Classify text Version 3 (Net)

Action group: Text


This action is designed to determine the classification of the text.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextContext IDRobin.Object
Text for classificationText for classificationRobin.String
Accuracy ThresholdAccuracy threshold for classification. Min value is 0. Max value is 1.Robin.Numeric
ResultClassified textRobin.String

Special conditions of use 

At least one classifier must be created.

Example of use 


There is a folder "Texts folder" There are two folders named 18 and 20 and an empty folder called "Indexing".  In each of these folders there are files with text (folders 18 and 20). In one of the folders there is a file with the text: "While the pasta is cooking, melt the butter in the pan". It is necessary to identify this folder. 


Use "Create classifier index",  "Open classifier", "Classify text" actions. 


  1. Move the "Create classifier index" action to the workspace. 
  2. Create a variable with the type "folder path" and specify it as a result of the action. 
  3. Set the action parameters (specify the corresponding folder paths). 
  4. Move the "Open classifier" action to the workspace and set its parameter and result. Create a variable with the type "Object" to record the context identifier into it. 

  5. Move the "Classify text" action to the workspace and set its parameters, create a variable with the type "string" to be added as a result of this action.

  6. Click "Start" in the top panel. 


The program robot completed successfully. 

Required folder is found.

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