What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • The "Stop" button in the debug panel is enabled again
  • Fixed a bug with stopping a robot that is paused. Now the debug panel does not change color until the robot is actually stopped
  • Fixed a bug that led to a broken order of messages in the log
  • Added file length limit for resources. Files with a file name longer than 60 characters cannot be added to resources
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the application to close when copying actions to a script
  • Updated installation requirements. Studio installation now requires Net SDK 5.0 rather than Net Runtime 5.0
  • Added a "Save results" checkbox to the debug panel. If checked, when debugging is launched, the actions performed will save the results to a database file
  • The "Start from here" button has been added to the context menu of the action (when clicking on it with the PCM). If you press it, debugging will be started from the specified action. All previous actions in the scheme will be skipped if possible, and the results of their execution necessary for the correct operation of the robot will be taken from the database file, where they were saved earlier. Some actions cannot be skipped, such as loops within which the launched action is located and actions that create contexts, such as Open Browser
  • In the action properties panel, added the ability to toggle between controls by pressing Tab and interact with them using enter or space (selected depending on the element type)


  • Added confirmation when deleting created actions

"Processes" action group

  • Improved "Get info" action, added "Information" column to the result table, where the old content of "Process status" column is written. In the "Process status" column the status of the process is written - Responding/Not responding
  • Improved "Execute the command in the script" action, added ignoring the line break in the last line of the command

"Email" action group

  • Added a new "Reply" action that allows you to send an email in response to one of the received emails. It is possible to quote and reply only to the sender or to all involved participants of the correspondence

"Excel" action group

  • A new "Copy sheet" action has been added that allows you to copy a sheet within one document or to another document. Formatting and all data, formulas, program macros saved on the sheet are copied

"Tables" action group

  • A new action "Clear table" has been added, which allows you to delete data from a table while preserving its size
  • It is possible not to clear the header row, if necessary
  • Added a new action "Remove duplicate rows or columns" that allows you to remove rows or columns with identical data set in cells from the table

"Google Services" action group

  • Added a new "Find text" action that allows you to get a list of cells that contain the text you are looking for
  • Added a new "Activate sheet" action that allows you to switch to a specific sheet in the document
  • Added a new "Add new sheet" action that allows you to create a new sheet in the document
  • Added a new "Remove auto filters" action that allows you to reset the applied filters
  • Added a new "Check if cell is empty" action that allows you to determine if a cell has some value in it, or if it is not filled
  • Added a new action "Get the number of rows" that allows you to count the number of rows in the document
  • Added a new action "Insert table" that allows you to insert a table with data

"Integrations" action group

  • Improved "Send request" action, changed the type of "Password" parameter used for specifying the password to connect to the proxy when sending a request. The type has been changed to "Object", with the possibility to specify both text value and encrypted value of "Password" type

"Simulate system" action group

  • Improved "Enter text" action, fixed an error with text input into a modal window opened by a robot

"Date conversion" action group

  • Added a new action "Get date by filters", which allows you to get the date of a certain day by specified criteria, for example, the first working day in February
  • Improved "Subtract date" action, now you can pass a file with the list of dates of non-working days to the action and determine the date with the account of working days
  • Added a new action "Get production calendar", which allows you to get the calendar uploaded to the server by its name (only enterprise)

"Word" action group

  • Added a new action "Replace text" that allows you to replace occurrences of a specified string with another one. The action works similarly to the "Replace matches" action from the "Text" group, but only with a Word document

"Windows" group of actions

  • All actions of the group have been finalized and the logic of searching for an application window has been improved. Now a window can still be found and defined if its name changes
  • Added "Disable caching" checkbox to Win Spy, which can be used if errors occur when searching for an item. Searching for an item without caching will take longer
  • In all group actions, fixed a bug that caused the error text to be incorrectly displayed in the Studio log if the application window was not found
  • In all group actions, fixed an error that caused the Timeout parameter to not work when searching for items

"Office" action group

  • Added a new subgroup "Text document" with actions intended for working with open-format documents (docx, ods) without MS Word installed
  • Added a new action "Open", which allows you to create a document context for other actions of the group to work with it
  • Added a new action "Close" that allows you to close the created context to free resources
  • Added a new "Save" action that allows you to save the document in the current file, or create a new instance with the ability to change the file location, name, and extension
  • Added a new "Set text" action that allows you to enter text in a specific part of an open document, such as at the beginning or after a bookmark
  • Added a new "Get text" action that allows you to retrieve text from a document
  • Added a new "Set bookmark" action that allows you to create a bookmark in the document at the position of the specified text
  • Added a new subgroup "Spreadsheets", with actions intended for working with tabular documents of open format (xlsx, odt), without MS Excel installed
  • Added a new action "Open", allowing to create a document context for performing other group actions on it
  • Added a new action "Close", allowing to close the created context to release resources
  • Added a new action "Save", allowing to save the document in the current file, or create a new instance with the ability to change the location, name, and file extension
  • Added a new action "Set cell value", allowing to change the value of a table cell in the document
  • Added a new action "Get value from cell", allowing to retrieve the current value of a table cell from the document
  • Added a new action "Get data from column", allowing to retrieve a collection of values of all cells in a column of the table in the document
  • Added a new action "Get number of rows", allowing to retrieve the number of rows in the table
  • Added a new action "Apply formula to cell", allowing to set a formula in a cell and populate it with the value computed according to the formula
  • Added a new action "Find text", allowing to retrieve a list of cells containing the searched text
  • Added a new action "Take table", allowing to save a table from the document in memory for further actions with it outside of the document
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