What's new

ROBIN Management Console

  • Added "Calendars" button to the schedules tab, which allows you to view the list of calendars uploaded to the server and upload a new one or delete an existing one
  • When creating a schedule, added the ability to take into account non-working days from one of the uploaded calendars and launch the robot only on working or non-working days

Web interface of queue management

  • A gear button for queue configuration has been added to the list of queues; when clicked, the queue configuration window opens
  • In the queue customization window, you can change the number of attempts to process an item. These attempts are decreased when the robot terminates with an error after retrieving an item from the queue or when attempting to retrieve that item. If the counter of remaining attempts reaches 0, the item will be set to Error status
  • In the queue configuration window, you can also proceed to creating or editing a trigger. The trigger allows you to set up a robot launch condition for an individual queue and specify a robot and a group of hosts on which this robot will be launched. When the trigger is fired when a certain number of items in the queue is reached, the specified robot will be launched on the available hosts. The number of robot instances launched is controlled by the trigger settings and the number of available hosts and active accounts on them
  • In the list of queues, a visual indicator next to the queue name has been added to indicate that a trigger is configured for the queue and its state
  • Columns reflecting additional information have been added to the table with the list of queue items: item status, number of remaining attempts to process the item, date and time of delayed processing (when the item will be automatically unblocked)
  • The Refresh button has been added to the page with the list of queue items to update the list of items
  • The page with the list of queue items now displays only 20 items. Page navigation is located at the bottom of the page to navigate through the pages
  • A Status drop-down list has been added to the queue element properties panel, where you can change the current status of the element
  • In the properties panel of the queue element the table "Work history" has been added in a compact format, it displays the first 3 operations performed with the element. In full format, the table contains events, element status and event parameters, if any
  • In the properties panel of the queue element in the "Blocking" table, a button - calendar - has been added, which allows you to block the element and specify the date of deferred processing. In the full format, a calendar button has also been added and additionally a column "Blocking disable date" has been added

"Orchestrator" action group

  • The "Add element" action has been improved, 2 parameters for specifying the date of delayed blocking have been added. An item added to the queue will be blocked until the specified time or until the blocking is forcibly removed
  • Improved "Update element" action, added 2 parameters for specifying the date of deferred blocking. The changed item in the queue will be blocked until the specified time or until the blocking is not removed forcibly
  • The "Get element by condition" action has been improved
  • Added a filter by the status of the resource in the queue to get only new resources or those that have already been worked with
  • Removed the "Remove element from the queue" parameter
  • Added a checkbox that allows the action to change the status of the resource to "Processed", after which the resource will become unavailable to robots
  • The "Get a collection of elements" action has been improved
  • Added a filter on the status of the resource in the queue to get only new resources or those that have already been worked with
  • Removed the "Remove element from queue" option
  • Added a checkbox that allows an action to change the status of a resource to "Processed", after which the resource will become unavailable to robots
  • Changed "Delete element" action:
    • Renamed, it is now called "Finish processing the item"
    • Changed how the action works, it now changes the specified element to the "Processed" status
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