What's new


  • Installer is divided into several files
  • Absolute path in SetConfig script has been changed to relative path
  • Fixed a bug with passing empty strings to action parameters

ROBIN Studio

  • Added formatting for parameters with "Number" type, now in parameter fields and variables with number type it is possible to specify only numbers and comma to separate fractional part. The default value is 0, the field cannot be empty

"Databases" action group

  • The "Send query" action has been improved, the ability to fully execute complex procedures has been added. Executed queries and errors are written in the log with the Debug level

"Simulate system" action group

  • The "Keyboard input" action has been updated, and the work with Russian, American and British layouts has been improved. Fixed most of the problems with switching layouts and increased input speed for these layouts

"Java windows" action group

  • Updated the "Click element" action, now it should work better with a large number of elements

"Processes" action group

  • Added "Wait for start" option to the "Run" action. If the checkbox is checked - the action waits until the process is fully launched. If unchecked - the robot will continue after the process starts without waiting for the result, in which case there will be no error if the process fails to launch
  • The "Run script file" action has been updated, now commands related to work sessions, such as query session and tscon, are executed correctly

"Tables" action group

  • In the "Add row" action the "Resize" parameter was added, if selected and the number of records in the inserted row is greater than the number of table columns - it will be enlarged, for other rows the data in the new cells will be empty
  • Added "Resize" option to the "Add column" action, if selected and the number of records in the inserted column is greater than the number of table rows - it will be enlarged, for other columns data in new cells will be empty
  • Fixed several problems that caused errors when working with tables obtained in other actions or with empty tables

"File system" action group

  • In the "Read text file" action the "Encoding" parameter is made optional, if it is not filled in, the "Try to detect automatically" option will be used

"Excel" action group

  • Added "Show range" action that allows to show all hidden columns and rows included in the specified range
  • Added "Run external macro" action that allows you to execute a VBA script from a specified file
  • Added a "Get cell color" action that allows you to get the code and color name of the specified cell, if they can be determined
  • In the "Show column" action, changed the name to "Show columns", added a second parameter to specify the column, now specifies the range. Now shows all hidden columns in the specified range
  • In the "Delete Row" action, added a second parameter to specify a row, now a range can be specified. The action deletes all rows in the specified range
  • In the "Delete column" action, added a second parameter to specify a column, now a range can be specified. The action deletes all columns in the specified range
  • The "Find text" and "Get table" actions work faster when working with large tables

"JSON" action group

  • The functionality of all actions has been updated. Now actions for accessing items use JSONPath variation in the format "/key/key/1/key" as a key, where keys of records and indexes of array items are specified
  • For the "Get values" action, the ability to work with json arrays has been added
  • The "Save to file" action no longer overwrites the file
  • Added the "Get value" action, which allows you to get the value of a specified element by JSONPath

"Outlook" action group

  • Updated the "Select message" action, it can now read Outlook system messages as delivery reports of sent emails

"PowerPoint" action group

  • Fixed bug in "Save as" action, now when saving with original title, it is not distorted if it contains dots (warning)

"SAP" action group

  • Added display in the SapSpy window that the spy is connected and which SAP window is connected to
  • In SapSpy, capturing items now works one at a time, the button text changes accordingly "Capture" or "Stop" if it is ready to capture an item

"Windows" action group.

  • Added "Clear field" action to clear the text content of the specified editable field
  • Added a "Send text" action that allows you to insert text into the specified editable field. It is possible to pre-clear the content, or insert it at the end. No error is provided for cases where the field is not available for input

"Word" action group

  • Fixed a bug in the "Save as" action, now when saving with the original name, it is not distorted if it contains dots
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