A group of actions: Windows

The action returns a collection of elements that are parent, child, or neighbor to the specified element.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ElementA resource that stores data about the selected application element.Robin.WinElement
Type of connectionThe type of relationship between the elements being searched for and the specified element. You can search for elements that are parent, child, or neighbor to the specified element. Neighbors share a common parent element with the searched element.Robin.String
Search depthThe nesting level of related elements to which the search will be performed. If the specified depth is greater than the actual depth, the action will return all elements up to the actual depth. The default value is 1. The parameter is ignored if the «Neighboring items» value is selected in the «Type of connection» field.Robin.Numeric
Time-out, msThe time in milliseconds for which the desired element will be searched.Robin.Numeric
Window orderThe sequence number of the window that the action should work with. If you do not specify a window number, the first window will be checked. The numbering starts from 1.Robin.Numeric
ResultA collection with related elements.Robin.Collection

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