Run script command Version 12 (Net)

Action group: Processes


Executes the specified command at the specified interpreter.  

Action icon


Input parameters

Interpreter - Interpreter to execute the command.

Command - The command to execute.

Output parameters

Completed successfully - A boolean variable that is returned when the workflow completes.

Table - A variable of the Table type.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
InterpreterInterpreter to execute commandRobin.String
CommandCommand to be executedRobin.String
Completed successfullyA boolean variable that is returned at the end of the process. True - the script was executed successfully, false - not successfulRobin.Booleantrue
TableA variable of the Table type, where the result is written in the Output column, the Error column contains an error that occurred during the operation of the action, and the ExitCode column contains the number 0 or 1, where 0 - the script was executed successfully, 1 - not successful.Robin.DataTable

Special conditions of use

The result of script execution is written to two variables:

  1. Variable of Boolean type, where true - the script is executed successfully, false - not successfully
  2. A variable of the Table type, where in the Output column the result is recorded, in the Error column the error that occurred in progress of the action, and in the ExitCode column the number 0 or 1, where 0 - the script was executed successfully, 1 - not successfully.

Example of use


Execute the HELP command - Windows command line help call, get the result into a CSV table.


Use "Run script command", "Table to CSV" actions. 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of actions:

  2. Set the parameters for the "Run script command" action. 

  3. Set the parameters for the "Table to CSV" action. 

  4. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The program robot completed successfully. 

Generated a table in CSV format with columns:

  • Output
  • Error
  • ExitCode

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