ROBIN Agent is the module responsible for sending messages and commands between ROBIN Studio, ROBIN Orchestrator and ROBIN Robot:

  • when a robot is launched from any component of the platform, the launch is controlled via the ROBIN Agent;
  • real-time transfer of robot execution logs to ROBIN Orchestrator 2.0;
  • transmission of information about the status of the machine and its current workload to ROBIN Orchestrator.
Delivery optionFunctioning OptionPath to the installed application
For me onlyApplicationC:/Users/<userName>/AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent
For all usersOperating system serviceC:/Program Files/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent

Robot Player "Agent" settings tab

In the "Agent" section, it is possible to customize the logging of the ROBIN Agent.

Characteristics of the settings of the "Agent" tab are presented in the table:

1Log of frequent operationsIf "true" is specified, the agent's frequently executed operations will be recorded in its log
2Save all messagesIf "true" is specified, the "" file will contain all messages exchanged between the agent and other components of the Robin platform.

Click on the "Save" button and restart the ROBIN Agent to save the changes.

Displaying the status of the ROBIN Agent

Agent status is displayed by the connection status indicator in the workspace in the form of a circle with the letter "A".

Relevant for versions: Standalone, Enterprise, Cloud.

ROBIN Player:

If there are problems with the connection to the ROBIN Agent, there may be problems starting the robot. To diagnose possible problems, an Agent connection status indicator is placed on the application interfaces.

There are the following options for displaying the user information about the status of the Agent:

Standalone delivery option:

  • Green - ROBIN Player is connected to the Agent
  • Gray - ROBIN Player is not connected to the Agent

Enterprise\Cloud delivery option:

  • Green - ROBIN Player is connected to an Agent, Agent is connected to Orchestrator
  • Gray - ROBIN Player is not connected to the Agent
  • Red - ROBIN Player is connected to the Agent, the Agent is not connected to the Orchestrator
  • Yellow - ROBIN Player is connected to the Agent, reconnection to the Orchestrator is in progress

ROBIN Studio

Standalone delivery option:

  • Green - ROBIN Studio is connected to the Agent
  • Gray - ROBIN Studio is not connected to the Agent

Enterprise\Cloud delivery option:

  • Green - ROBIN Studio is connected to an Agent, Agent is connected to Orchestrator
  • Gray - ROBIN Studio is not connected to the Agent
  • Red - ROBIN Studio is connected to the Agent, the Agent is not connected to the Orchestrator
  • Yellow - ROBIN Studio is connected to the Agent, reconnection to the Orchestrator is in progress

If there is a problem connecting to the ROBIN Agent, the first thing you can do is try to solve the problem by restarting it. To do this:

  1. In the case when the installation «For me only» was performed
    • Stop Robin Robot Player - right-click on the program icon in the tray and select the "Quit" menu item.
    • Open the directory where ROBIN Agent is installed (see path above).
    • Find and run the Kill.Robin.Agent.exe program in the directory and wait for it to complete
    • Find and run the Robin.Agent.exe program in the directory and wait for it to complete
  2. In the case when the installation «For all users» was performed
    • Stop ROBIN RobotPlayer by right-clicking on the program icon in the directory and select the "Quit" menu item
    • Open the task manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del -> «Task Manager»)
    • Go to the «Services»  section
    • Find the Robin.Agent.Service process in the Services section
    • Stop the process by right-clicking on the process name in Task Manager and selecting the "Stop" menu option
    • Wait for the Robin.Agent.Service process to stop completely
    • Start the Robin.Agent.Service process again, right click on the process name in the Task Manager, select the menu item "Run"
    • Wait for the Robin.Agent.Service process to start (the status "Running" appears in the Services bar)
    • Launch Robot Player by double-clicking the program icon on the Desktop of the workstation
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