Send to recognition Version 2 (Net)

General principles of working with ROBIN OCR 1.0 are specified in the “Recognize” action


The action sends the file to the SOICA service to recognize it and get the package ID.

The first action of the Send + Receive binder. Send file for recognition and Receive recognition result is divided into 2 actions for cases when the system will take a long time to process a large file submitted to the input

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
UrlHost addressRobin.Stringhttp://localhost/administratorYes
LoginLogin for authorizationRobin.StringadminYes
PasswordPassword for authorizationRobin.PasswordadminYes
Package classPackage class for recognitionRobin.StringPackage class nameYes
FilePath to file for recognition. Support exstensions: JPEG, PDF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, DOCX, GIFRobin.FilePathC:\Users\Document\1.jpgYes
IDIdentificator of packageRobin.String

Special conditions of use

You need to get the authentication data in advance from the Soica service.

The robot will return an error if:

  1. an incorrect format is submitted in the "File" field;

  2. incorrect login or connection password - 403;

  3. wrong path, link - 404.


Examples of use


Recognize text on a document and retain the ability to perform any other actions while the input document is being processed.


Use the actions "Send to recognition", "Get recognition result".


  1. Sequentially set the actions "Send to recognition" and "Get recognition result" to the workspace.
  2. Set the action parameters with the correct data:
    1. parameters "Send to recognition"; 

    2. parameters "Get recognition result". 
  3. Launch the robot using the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The robot will return the processed files. The result is represented as a collection with json objects or xml contexts. Status "export".

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