Deleted projects

Selecting "Deleted projects" takes the designer to a page that displays a list of all projects deleted by the designer. Initially, this list is empty.  

Search bar

Above the table with the "Deleted projects" header in the upper right corner there is a search line for workflows with the text "Search".  The search is performed both by the full name of the workflow and by the partial one - just start typing the name and only those workflows that fall under the search criteria will be displayed in the list by the first letters of the entered name. 

Working with the list of deleted projects

The list of deleted projects is represented as a table with the following rows:


Field name




Contains the name of the project



The project version is displayed, also for child projects



Specifies the date and time when the project was created



Specifies the date and time when the project was deleted

Each row can be sorted. To do this, click on the arrows, pointing up and down and located next to the row names.

At the end of each project line there are buttons "Restore"  with an icon in the form of a clock and "Delete" with an icon in the form of a trash  :  

  1. if you click on the "Restore" button, the project from deleted projects will be restored to "My projects" - at the same time it will be deleted from deleted projects;
  2. if you click on the "Delete" button, the project will be permanently deleted from the list of deleted projects and cannot be restored.

The maximum number of rows with workflows displayed on the page is set using the dropdown list located under the table on the right side. The following values can be set:  

  • 20 rows (default)
  • 50 rows
  • 100 rows 

  • Нет меток