Operations related to the "Activities" module

The "Activities" module is located in the side menu on the left side of the page. Four tabs are displayed, "Workflows", "Instances", "Tasks", "Archived workflows".

The main function of this module is the user's participation in progress of the workflows that have been robotized in the company. The appearance of the graphical interface of the "Activity" module depends on the User's role, and depending on the role, the User will have access to different functions:

  1. Workflow Owner - User role that allows launching/stopping the execution of Workflow Instances of the Workflows of which he/she is the owner. In addition to launching/stopping Workflow Instances, the Workflow Owner has the ability to track the list of workflows and the status of the workflows he/she is running. The Workflow Owner can also stop all running Workflow Instances of a selected process at once. The following GUI pages will be displayed for the Workflow Owner role:
          1. "Workflows" - in the Workflow Owner role contains a list of workflows available to the user, with which he can work. Only the list of workflows where he is the owner is visible.
          2. "Instances" - under the Workflow Owner role to display information about the workflow Instances that are running or have already been executed.
          3. "Tasks" - to provide work with User Tasks ("All tasks", "Completed").
  2. Task Executor - User role to work with the screen forms while solving custom Workflow Tasks. The User will be required to complete, correct or confirm data that will be displayed as part of the Task on the screen form. The Task Performer role will have the following GUI pages displayed:
          1. "Tasks" - to provide work with User Tasks ("All tasks", "Completed").
  3. Workflow Administrator - A workflow participant (an employee of the enterprise) who is personally responsible for the execution of all workflows and has the ability to control the execution of any Task of any workflow.  The following GUI pages will be displayed for the " Workflow Administrator" role:
          1. "Workflows" - in the role of a Workflow Administrator contains a list of all workflows he/she can work with;
          2. "Instances" - in the role of the Workflow Administrator to display information about the work of all workflow instances that are running or have already been executed;
          3. "Tasks" - to work with the Tasks of all users ("All Tasks", "Completed");
          4. "Archived workflows" - list of archived workflows.

More information can be seen on the following pages.

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