"Workflows" page

Selecting the "Workflows" page in the "Activities" block will display a list of workflows available to the user, which he/she can work with.

The "Workflows" page for the Workflow Owner role.

The main part of the page is occupied by columns with the headings "Workflow", "Version", "Group", "Workflow instances in progress". The "Columns" dropdown list allows you to select the columns to be displayed in the table from the available columns, while the "Workflow" column is always displayed.

The Workflows table contains the following columns:

Column nameDescription

Workflow name

The project name can be of any length. If the name is hidden outside the cell boundary, a tooltip appears when you move the cursor over the name

2.VersionWorkflow version
3.GroupGroup for workflow execution
4.Workflow instances in progressNumber of workflow instances in progress

Button  for launching the Workflow


Button to stop all Workflow Instances

7.Show instances

Goes to the Instances page

8.Special launch

Launch the workflow where you need to select the number of instances, the host and the account

The columns "Workflow", "Version", "Group" are sortable .
Selecting "Special Launch" opens a modal window where you must select the number of instances, host and account.

Clicking on the "Start" button opens a modal window for entering the input data. If you click on the start button, the [Workflow instance "Workflow name" is launched] notification is displayed.

When you click on the "Stop" button, a modal window opens asking "Are you sure you want to stop execution of all instances of the [Workflow Name?] workflow?".

The header "Workflows" is located on the upper right edge. Parallel to the header, on the right edge there is a search line for workflows. The search is performed by the first entered characters. The search line contains the text "Search".

At the bottom right is the numbering of pages, each of which stores previously created workflows, there is an option to display the number of rows per page.

More information can be seen on the following pages:

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