"Tasks" page

The "Active" page displays a list of outstanding tasks that are assigned to all users in a group or groups. The main purpose of the page is to display the list of tasks so that you can track the completion of tasks.

Above the table with the heading "Workflows" in the upper right corner there is a search line for workflows with the text "Search".

The "Active" tab table contains the following columns:

Column nameColumn assignment
1.NoThe column displays the number of the Task
2.TaskThe column displays the name of the Task
3.WorkflowThe column displays the name of the workflow to which the Task belongs
4.PrioritySpecifies the priority of the Task (low, medium, high)

Task executor (by default the Task executor is "Initiator". The initiator is the user who can initiate the launch of the workflow, in this case it is the Workflow Owner)

6.GroupThe name of the group within whose workflow the Task is executed
7.CreatedThe column displays the date and time the Task was created

Assignment of execution date

9DeadlineThe column displays the date and time by which the Task must be completed

   to open a Task


  to reassign the Task to another Executor and change the Task priority


 postpone a Task

13Return to unassigned

unassign a Task

14Assign yourself

 assign a Task to yourself

All columns can be sorted.
Using the "Columns" dropdown list it is possible to select the columns displayed in the table from the available ones, in this case the "Task" column is always displayed.

Selecting "Open" opens a modal window, which must be filled in with input data by the Workflow Owner.

Selecting "Edit" opens the "Task options" modal window.

Selecting "Postpone" opens the Modify due date modal window. If you expand the calendar, you can select the date of the change.

At the bottom right there is a numbering of pages, each of which stores previously created workflows, and there is an option to display the number of lines per page.

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