"Archived workflows" page

If you select the "Archived workflows" page in the "Activity" block, a list of archived workflows will be displayed.

The "Archived workflows" table contains the following columns:

  1.  "Workflow" - the column contains the names of workflows;
  2. "Restore" - contains the button that restores the deleted workflow.
  3. "Delete" - contains the button that deletes the workflow from the archive.

The "Workflow" column can be sorted.

By clicking on the "Delete" button a modal window opens with the question "Are you sure you want to irrevocably delete the workflow "Workflow name "? Instances of this workflow will also be deleted".

As soon as you click on the "Restore" button, a notification with the text "Workflow restored" will be displayed and shown in the "Workflows" tab.

Under the "Instances" header, the workflow's retention period in the cart is displayed.

Above the table with the heading " Workflows" in the upper right corner there is a search line for workflows with the text "Search".

At the bottom right there is a numbering of pages, each of which stores previously created workflows, and there is an option to display the number of lines per page.

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