The "My Projects" page displays to the user a list of all projects that he/she has created or added for editing.

On this page the user can create, edit, publish or delete any of the available workflow projects.

When creating or selecting one of the available workflows, the system opens the Workflow constructor with a description of its functionality.

At the first authorization the list of projects will be empty.

Search bar

In the upper right corner there is a search line for workflows with the text "Search".  You can search both by the full name of the workflow and by the part of it - just start typing the name and only those workflows that fall under the search criterion will be displayed in the list by the first letters of the entered name.

Creating a Workflow Project

A workflow project is an access object that represents a set of the following data:

Workflow name
Specifies the name of the workflow.
Workflow author (designer)
Specifies the name of the designer who edited the copied workflow and published it
Workflow owner    

The full name of the owner of the workflow is specified.

Scheme (algorithm) of the robotized business workflow
A set of boolean interconnected business tasks (Workflow Tasks) created in the "Workflow Designer" user block (before publication).

Only a user with the Workflow Designer role can create this access object.

To create a new workflow project, the Workflow Designer must click on the "Create workflow project +" button, which will result in a modal window with a form:

The designer must fill in all mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk (*) and click on the "Create" button to create the project. If the Designer does not want to create a new project, he/she should click on the "Cancel" button.

If the Designer clicks the "Cancel" button, the Designer returns to the "My Projects" page. If the Designer clicks on the "Save" button, the Designer will be presented with the " Workflow Editor" tab.

Viewing the list of projects

On the "My Projects" page, the list of process projects is presented in the form of a table with the following fields:

Contains the Project name of the workflow. This will also be the name of the workflow.
Displays the version of the workflow project, including the version for child workflows.
Workflow owner
The owner of the workflow is displayed.
Indicates the date and time when the workflow project was last modified.

Sorting is possible for each field. To do this, click on the up-down arrows next to the field names.

In each project line on the right side there are 3 icons - action menus, which can be clicked to perform the following actions on the project:

  • publish project - as a result of this action, the project will be published and can be launched for execution.
  • edit project - this action opens a form with project data that can be edited in a modal window.
  • delete project - as a result of this action, the project will be deleted and placed in the deleted projects archive

Each project name has a link associated with it, clicking on which takes the designer to the Workflow scheme editor with the selected project:

Editing the Workflow Project scheme

To edit the project data, you must click on the "Edit" action menu button in the project table in the name line of the selected project:

As a result, a modal window with the Project parameters will appear:

To save changes to the project parameters, click on the "Edit" button.  To cancel changes to the project data, click on the "Cancel" button. 

Publishing a project 

Publication of the project takes place at the final stage of workflow creation, when it is ready to be used for real production tasks.  To publish a new workflow project, the Designer should click on the "Publish" button.

There are some differences in publishing a new and a previously copied workflow project. These differences are due to the fact that workflow versions are assigned in different ways when publishing. 

  1. For a new workflow, the version is always 1.
  2. For a copied workflow, the version changes during publication:
    1. either the version will increase by 1 if the designer wants to keep the evolution of the project as a hierarchy of new child workflows that reflect the evolution of the original (parent) workflow;
    2. or the version becomes 1 if the changes in both the project's scheme and goals have changed so much that it becomes appropriate to publish this workflow as a new one.

Let us first consider the publication of a new project.  

You can distinguish a new project from a copied one by the icon to the left of the workflow name::

  • for a Project created by the Designer, it will look like a black square with a dot inside
  • for the copied Project, it will look like a green square with a check mark in the lower left corner

To publish a ready and debugged project, you need to click the "Publish" context menu button in the table of projects in the row with this project:

As a result, a modal window for publishing a project appears with the parameters of the project, which can be edited beforehand. The contents of the window are different when publishing a new and a previously copied workflow project. The contents of the window when publishing a new workflow: 

The contents of this window will be slightly different for the previously copied workflow - the "New workflow" switch will appear:

If the Designer wants to keep the published workflow within the hierarchy, the Designer must leave the New Workflow switch off.

If the Designer wants to publish the workflow as a new workflow, the Designer must turn the "New Workflow" switch on.

The rest of the form fields are the same in both cases.

At the moment of publishing, the project changes its status and becomes a published workflow. As a result, a new workflow appears on the "Published workflows" page and the project will no longer appear on the "My projects" page.

At the same time, the new version of the workflow will be indicated in the notification of the pop-up window with a green background, which will appear in the lower right corner of the page after publication: 

When publishing a copied project, if the New Workflow switch has been turned off, it will be published under the next version. A popup notification with a green background that appears in the lower right corner of the page after publication will indicate the new version of the workflow.

Deleting a Project

To delete a project from the list of your projects, you should click on the "Delete" button in the table of projects in the row with the project selected for deletion:

As a result, a modal window will appear asking you to confirm the project deletion operation:

If the user wants to delete a project, he should click on the "Delete" button, and if he changes his mind - on the "Cancel" button.

By clicking on the "Delete" button, the user gets to the "My Projects" page. In this case:

  1. the project selected for deletion will no longer be in the list of projects;
  2. and a pop-up window will appear in the lower right corner with a notification that the project has been deleted and is now in the list of deleted projects.

By opening the "Deleted Projects" page you can see that it is indeed there:

The maximum number of rows with projects displayed on the page is set using the dropdown list below the table on the right. The following values can be set:

  • 20 rows (default)
  • 50 rows
  • 100 rows

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