"Instances" page

Selecting the "Instances" page in the "Activities" block will display a list of available workflows for the User to work with. The "Instances" page for the Workflow Administrator is shown below.

The main part of the page is occupied by columns with headings "№", "Workflow", "Version", "Status", "Step responsible", "Step", "Started", "Executed". The "Columns" dropdown list allows you to select the columns to be displayed in the table from the available columns, while the "Workflow" column is always displayed.

The Instances table contains the following columns:

Column nameColumn assignment
1.Displays the numeric number of the Workflow Instance
2.WorkflowContains the name of the Workflow Instance
3.Status Must contain the current status of the workflow instance (completed/in progress/error)
4.Step responsibleAccount/host
5.StepContains the current Task of the Workflow Instance.

Displays the date and time of the launch of the Workflow Instance.

7.ExecutedDisplays the date and time the Workflow Instance was executed

Contains a button  to launch the Workflow Instances


Contains a button to stop all Workflow Instances. When the Stop button is clicked, a modal window appears. The window contains the header "Are you sure you want to stop execution of the Workflow Instance "Workflow name"?". The "Cancel" button is used to refuse to stop the workflow instance. The "Yes, stop" button is used to confirm the stopping of the workflow instance


Contains a button to pause the execution of the Workflow Instance. When the Pause button is clicked, a modal window appears. The window contains the header "Are you sure you want to suspend execution of the Workflow Instance " Workflow name"?". The "Cancel" button is for declining to suspend the Workflow Instance. The "Yes, suspend" button is used to confirm the suspension of the Workflow Instance


Contains a button  where the result of the execution is displayed

12.View logs

Contains a button where the workflow instance's progress is displayed

All columns, except for the column with action buttons, are sortable.
At the bottom right there is a page numbering, each of which stores previously created workflows, the number of rows per page can be displayed.

You can see more details here:

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